Resources that may help in the event of a mental health crisis:
Emergency Response: 911
Kids Help Phone: Call 1-800-668-6868 or Text CONNECT to 686868
ROCK Reach Out Centre for Kids 24-hour Crisis Line: 905-878-9785
LGBTQ Youth Line: 647-694-4275
Trans Lifeline Hotline: 1-877-330-6366
Positive Space Network Halton: 289-208-0886
COAST Crisis line (24-hour Crisis Outreach and Support Team for 16+): Hamilton: 1-844-973-8338; Halton: 1-877-825-9011
Barrett Centre 24-hour Crisis Line: 905-529-7878
Suicide Prevention Services: Call 1-833-456-4566 (24/7) or Text to 45645 (4pm to midnight)
Distress Centre Halton (Call or text): 905-849-4541 (Oakville); 905-681-1488 (Burlington); 905-877-1211 (North Halton)
Hope for Wellness Helpline for all Indigenous peoples: 855-242-3310
Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services (SAVIS) of Halton: 905-875-1555
Sexual Assault Centre Hamilton and Area (SACHA): 905-525-4162
Halton Women's Place 24 Hour Crisis Line: 905-332-7892 (Burlington & Oakville); 905-878-8555 (North Halton)
Interval House of Hamilton Crisis Line: 905-387-8881
Flamborough Women's Resource Centre: 289-895-8580
Good Shepherd Centres Mental Health Crisis: 905-529-7878
Good Shepherd Centres Women’s Crisis Services: 905-523-6277
Native Women's Centre: 1-888-308-6559
Salvation Army Lighthouse Shelter: 905-339-2918
Additional resources that may be of help to you:
Peachey Counselling and Family Support (specialized services for separation and divorce): 905-632-6555
Family Law Solutions (collaborative family law and mediation services): 905-648-3616
Brayden Supervision Services (services to support children and parents during separation and divorce): 855-222-7712